Thursday, August 23, 2018

We Are Convinced

After an incredible courtship and long-distance love struggle, we were ready to jump the broom.  The early years seemed like we jumped a “mop” instead.  We hadn’t had the benefit of pre-marital counseling or even a family familiar “good marriage”.  So we jumped the mop.  Shortly after we landed we needed that “mop” to clean up our mess (mostly mine).  There were times when neither of us wanted to “wring it out” and solve the issues.  We did not know how to live together, grow together, or hurt together.  However we didn’t let go of the mop.  There were times she had two hands on it and I had one and vice versa.  We walked in this uncomfortable position until our hands were so tired God knew we were ready to hear His word.  He worked on me and He worked on her.  Then we would be ready to work together to let our marriage glorify God.  “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 Glad the tomb is empty

Monday, August 13, 2018

I Leaped

    I took the leap of something, just not sure if it was faith that pushed me off that ledge towards you. I had a dream and I wondered if “we” could come true. I pursued you but was plagued with thoughts of those dream never coming true. What was more troublesome was thoughts of being with you and not being able to live or sustain the dreams my subconscious had created. I might only get one shot at this cute girl with the beautiful smile. The dream was worth this risk. When I finally had the courage to let you see “me”, I realized we were in each other’s dream. God pulled them together and made them one dream that only He could make come true. Our life together was built on dreams rehearsed in heaven. Our first love… took place there. I love you sweetheart! Glad the tomb is empty.