Sunday, December 6, 2009


What are you thankful for…? I don’t have to think long or look far...
It is Thanksgiving and this is an easy question to ask. For me it is an easier question to answer.

It should be for you as well….

I am thankful because I believe I am blessed and highly favored. Why else would a funny looking man like me have such a beautiful wife of 28 years who is still willing to put in the effort to stay beautiful, inside and out… I am thankful.

My two daughters are healthy, safe and not part of any “high risk” group that you hear so much about these days for young folks. I am thankful.

I survived the last few years of company downsizing, ever shifting responsibilities to cover the downsizing, and a bad economy that removed the word “retire” from my vocabulary. I am thankful.

I washed cloths last week and finished every load (this hadn’t happened in while). I discovered for the first in my life that all my underwear and socks would not fit in my dresser drawers. I smiled at this discovery. There was a time when I didn’t have enough underwear or socks to fit in a lunch bag. Seems strange to be thankful for underwear and socks. But I am. Wow… I am thankful.

About this time four years ago I was allowed to go home after a long horrendous hospital stay. Some parts of my stay are just making their way to the front of my consciousness (great narcotics). My family and I “conquered” cancer and radiation (I couldn’t do it alone) difficulties that left me with a physical reminder. It is a reminder that I have asked Him to remove on many occasions. Just as He let me know in that dark cold hospital room that “He was still there”, He lets me know that His grace is sufficient for me, for His power is made perfect in my weakness." In your weak moments you only have to remember that His grace is sufficient and that He is still here for you. He has left us a comforter.

I am thankful for an amazingly beautiful wife and family, a full sock drawer, and knowing that no matter how heavy the burden s of my affliction are, His grace and mercy will lighten my load.
What are you thankful for…?

You don’t have to think too long or look farther than your dresser drawers…

I'm Still Here....

I watched so much television the images moved across the screen without much distinction. It no longer served to divert my attention. I turned it off and sat in the dark. My head began to spin from the pressure and pain that was intensifying. It was centralized in my torso but I could swear it radiated throughout my body. My big toes throbbed. My ears seemed to be steaming from my elevated temperature. My nostrils were so sensitive from the tubes, my own breathing felt like a dragons exhale. Swallowing only wrapped the sand paper that lined my throat around the tube that was inserted to drain my stomach. I wished I had asked Janet to spend the night, but it had been a long day. Nights were always tough. This night began to work on my spirit as well as my body. I had to wait at least three more hours before my favorite night shift nurse could pay me a visit with the “special” syringe or the “delightful” Dixie cup.
I had “zoned” out and thought just maybe I was becoming delusional from amplifying my physical state when I clearly heard a voice. “I am still here…” was followed by the sound of the cushion in the uncomfortable recliner being compressed from the weight of ….. I was not alone in that room. There was a wave of calm that came over me. The pain did not “vanish” but was tempered by the presence of a calming spirit that I have known before. At that moment I did not respond or question the experience lest I miss the blessing my faith had brought me. You are never alone when you believe…
You probably had a few nights or days like mine when the emotional or physical pains of life have made you feel a little “delusional” and just plain out of sorts. It seemed as if it was one crazy issues after the other. “If it ain’t the cup, it’s the saucer.” You begin to feel pain in places not even related to the problem. He is still here and He knows the pain and the indecision that the enemy can engineer into your life. Remember even Jesus was distraught over the mental and physical anguish He knew was coming (and signed up for it anyway). He asked the Master (three times) to remove this “bitter cup” Matt 26:39. I shudder to think… if that cup had passed. You are not alone in your room. He will be with you as you go “through” it and take away the pains ….

Even those in your big toe…

Sports Fans...

Sports fans football season is here! I miss the basketball season. Summer track season is over. I like baseball but it is a highlight sport for me. It is just a little too slow. I watched Tiger win a few tournaments in workmen like fashion. But I love to watch a good football game. I love the fearless and innovative attacks the offense must engage in and the bone crunching hits distributed by the defense as it defends its end zone. The coaches must devise some very sophisticated systems. There are playbooks for offense, defense, and special teams. It is no wonder they train year round and watch film continuously. Every team has a “2 minute” offense which requires them to hurry to the line of scrimmage without huddling. I don’t ever remembering being a part of a no huddle offense, in sports or life.
Janet and I huddle each morning before we take the field. We give thanks for what was and for who He is. We ask for the new grace and mercy that will allow us to do His will His way. We ask that He forgive us as we forgive others. Feed us with manner and wisdom. Help us to recognize the principalities that would cause us to lose our way. We acknowledge that the field of battle has already been subdued and His glory reigns. We break the huddle (amen) and let the garage door up.
The no huddle offense is really hard to pull off on the football field. It is virtually impossible to do battle with “this man’s” world without huddling with God before the play. You won’t be able to sustain your drive and field position will always be a struggle…

1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing..