I watched so much television the images moved across the screen without much distinction. It no longer served to divert my attention. I turned it off and sat in the dark. My head began to spin from the pressure and pain that was intensifying. It was centralized in my torso but I could swear it radiated throughout my body. My big toes throbbed. My ears seemed to be steaming from my elevated temperature. My nostrils were so sensitive from the tubes, my own breathing felt like a dragons exhale. Swallowing only wrapped the sand paper that lined my throat around the tube that was inserted to drain my stomach. I wished I had asked Janet to spend the night, but it had been a long day. Nights were always tough. This night began to work on my spirit as well as my body. I had to wait at least three more hours before my favorite night shift nurse could pay me a visit with the “special” syringe or the “delightful” Dixie cup.
I had “zoned” out and thought just maybe I was becoming delusional from amplifying my physical state when I clearly heard a voice. “I am still here…” was followed by the sound of the cushion in the uncomfortable recliner being compressed from the weight of ….. I was not alone in that room. There was a wave of calm that came over me. The pain did not “vanish” but was tempered by the presence of a calming spirit that I have known before. At that moment I did not respond or question the experience lest I miss the blessing my faith had brought me. You are never alone when you believe…
You probably had a few nights or days like mine when the emotional or physical pains of life have made you feel a little “delusional” and just plain out of sorts. It seemed as if it was one crazy issues after the other. “If it ain’t the cup, it’s the saucer.” You begin to feel pain in places not even related to the problem. He is still here and He knows the pain and the indecision that the enemy can engineer into your life. Remember even Jesus was distraught over the mental and physical anguish He knew was coming (and signed up for it anyway). He asked the Master (three times) to remove this “bitter cup” Matt 26:39. I shudder to think… if that cup had passed. You are not alone in your room. He will be with you as you go “through” it and take away the pains ….
Even those in your big toe…
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