Sunday, December 26, 2010

Why celebrate the birth of Christ?

As far back as the second and third centuries, church leaders disagreed about the appropriateness of birthday celebrations within the Christian church. Birthday celebrations were thought of as pagan celebrations for pagan gods. Since the date of Christ's actual birth had not been recorded, these early leaders speculated and argued about the date. December 25th was chosen. It is believed that the first celebrations of Christ's birth were originally grouped together with Epiphany, one of the earliest feasts of the Christian church observed on January 6th. This holiday recognized the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles by remembering the visit of the Magi (wise men) to Bethlehem. A strong theory suggests that this date was eventually chosen by the church because it aligned closely with a major pagan festival, dies natalis solis invicti (birth of the invincible sun god), therefore, allowing the church to claim a new celebration for Christianity.

I found this information in several places on the internet. I cannot confirm or deny its validity no matter how interesting it may be. I know that for me the calendar date is immaterial and only serves as a place holder of the miraculous event. As the old preachers used to say “put a pin right there.” The question is asked why do we celebrate His birth, but to be honest I cannot understand how we could not. “A great multitude of the heavenly host” appeared to the lowly shepherds in the middle of the night to sing a few tunes (praising) to proclaim His birth. God had not spoken to Israel for 400 hundred years. He sent His son to begin to minister to a near dead world and to die Himself so I might not only have a relationship with Him, but a place in eternity with him. Somebody hold my “mule” while I shout!! The question is mute…

As always the holiday season is special for my family. We celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. It is the beginning of His journey to the cross. This year is extra special. We will also celebrate the birth of Lyric, our first grandchild. Both of these occasions cause me to consider the life I have lived and the one I want and need to live. The next generation of my blood line is being introduced to the world. When she is old enough to understand, what will my life say to her? How will my legacy be framed in her eyes? Will she know me or will she only know of me. How is my life being offered up to Him? Will He know me or just know of me? I want Him to know me. I want Lyric to know me. I will celebrate her birth. She will have a cross to bear as we all do. But I will teach her that His birth, death, burial, and resurrection make her cross a little lighter. He left the Holy Spirit to help shoulder the weight. I will celebrate His birth knowing that His introduction by the heavenly hosts started a journey towards Calvary and is truly worth celebrating. It makes my cross and yours a little lighter to bear.

What was the question?

Have a Merry Christmas…

Glad the tomb is empty

Working My Way back.. Almost There..

As a young boy there was a lady who opened my mind and consequently my world to the possibilities of what a bigger world had to offer. She was my aunt and we called her “baby sister”. She took me to museums, and libraries. She introduced me to arenas I would not normally see on my own, like rodeos and operas, or just taking a train ride from one end of the city to the other and back. She helped me to think of the wide possibilities that the world had available. It was only later in life after she had passed away that I realized what she had done for me and it was too late to say thank you in tangible real way. I made a point to start writing letters to those that contributed to me being a better person or provided a dwelling place of comfort when I did not know where to go or how to get there. I am working my way back but it requires part of me to remember and acknowledge that as bad as I thought things may have been, there was always a hand reached out in my direction just waiting for me to take hold of it. I still have a few letters to write. To be honest there are a few folks that I need to send a second or third letter. Who gets your first letter? Try this…

Dear God,

Thank you for my life. I have spent more time worrying about what I cannot do or what I may not have than what I have and what I can do. You gave me an avenue to see more of your world by putting wonderful people in my life all along the way. I did not always notice your hand in the small of my back gently nudging me off the block and into a bigger world. Your Kleenex was so soft I did not feel it as you wiped away the tears to allow me to see the new door you always opened for me when I insisted on dwelling on the closed one. Thank you for the rainy days of separation that those early college years brought. A relationship grew strong with a flower and the love of my life, Janet. Thank you God for the bruised ego and tired muscles that strengthened my heart and soul while I attempted to support and raise the gift of family for all those years in a job that was not a career. I could not see you adding weight to the barbell. However, I am a stronger servant for having lifted and completed all the repetitive tasks you prescribed for me in my walk with you. I see where you have taken my family from there to here. It may be a life that is not all that I have hoped for and I know as of yet all my dreams have not come true, but at the thought of someday seeing your face, I know it will all have been worth it. Thank you for my life and all the peaks and valleys. Because you decided to stay on that cross, my life and those dreams can be complete. I want to take this time to say thank you Jesus for my life.

Glad The Tomb Is Empty

Working My Way back..

It’s been a minute… Let me try and tell you where I have been over the last eight months.

I almost reverted back to time when I couldn’t open the valve of frustration, tension, fear, aggravation, hostility, disappointment, and pain. My thought was always, had I not grown spiritually? During this time I found out a little more about myself and how pressure rattles a pot and how to let God work it out. The sources of those aforementioned distractions was not so much the evil ones vicious attacks as it was my apathy to put up my “dukes” and fight off the slowly encroaching doubts that were in me. I wasn’t recruited; I joined the spiritual army of doubters and non-believers fighting against me. The crazy thing is life was\is great or it sure does appear to be as I look at mine. I have continuous employment, my mom just turned 80 years old with a strong mind, my daughters are developing into beautiful woman, and Janet has that “grown woman” beauty inside and out that makes me want to continuously pursue her heart and soul which always takes me through God’s neighborhood. What’s not to love?

This next part is the hardest to share because I thought I had grown above and beyond this valley. I started second guessing everything that was going right. I was listening and waiting for the “other shoe” to drop. I was convinced that I needed to do more to maintain. However, doing more never seemed to translate into anything I could quantify. I began to feel the temp go up inside my gut. Was I good enough to be in this position? Had I earned it? Does this funny looking kid from the south side of Chicago warrant any “peace on earth”? When will this peace end? The hamster in my mind was working the wheel constantly. My blood pressure rose and stayed high for several months. I felt like I had been here before.

In all this I would hear that soft voice say, “but God conquered the grave so that you may have ….”

When in battle every good general knows when to retreat. So I went back to my knees. But God gave me a helpmate in Janet. I trusted in our relationship. I trusted in our continuous prayer and worship together. Home was and still is a place of refuge for me. But God gave me a group of brothers I can meet with on a regular basis. We share our hopes, dreams, pains, and words of encouragement because God said “Iron sharpens iron”. But God gave me a couple of accountability brothers that are “unshockable”. I can tell them, I have to tell them anything and everything when my spirit wavers.

My thoughts and words have not been far, just unorganized by the “rattling pot” at my minds door. But God made the lid steady. I needed only to remember how to retreat into His spirit. If you see yourself in anything you have read, I am asking you to hear the quiet spirit within you say ..but God gave me…

A spirit of worship.. pray without ceasing
Get in a small group
Find you an accountability partner that is unshockable..