Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Gift

The gift that keeps on giving…

Gift giving at Christmas time can be stressful if you let it. My folks try to keep things in perspective. We do what we can for each other and then we just try to love on each other. Both girls (young women) are home along with our grand-daughter. I was cooking and just happened to turn around and see them all laughing and smiling at something the baby had done. Instantly my eyes watered and I had to stop and absorb the moment. All my gifts were under one roof and happy to be there. I was almost overwhelmed with joy. Then I got hungry…

I find joy in the gifts that I have already received, my family, my peace, my joy, and the promise that there will never be a battle that I will have to fight. The game is fixed in my favor. He has already fought and won the battles on my behalf. He gave his only begotten son so that I can have everlasting life. He also gave me an assurance that I will never be alone on this side of the Jordan River. So all those gifts may be rattled and shaken by principalities but they can never be broken. Try to take a moment and recognize the gifts you have around you right now.

Jesus is a pretty good gift on this side of the Jordan. When these carbon based bodies will no longer hold water, Jesus is the gift that will usher us into everlasting life to be with our father. Jesus is the gift that keeps on giving..

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

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