Monday, March 12, 2012

Ever Had A Cramp?

Back in the day I “thought” I was a decent athlete. I played a little football and ran track in high school and college. On occasions one of us would be hit by the dreaded muscle cramp. If you ever had one, athlete or not, you know it stops you in your tracks. All functions of the affected muscle would cease to function and generally so would you. Every witness would have that sympathetic “wince” on their face because they could almost feel it too.

At the beginning of the year Janet and I fasted (modified) and prayed to get closer to God and seek His will for our lives. The first part (quarter) of every New Year is a time of renewal and realization for us. We try to see ourselves as He sees us so we can grow in Him. Having fought off the onslaught of life over the past year, I took a deep breath as my trainer (the Holy Spirit) nudged me back into the ring, ready to fight on. As I pivoted and attempted to rise on my toes, I cramped up. I had a spiritual cramp and froze. Doubt gripped me. I immediately questioned my training (prayer) and my trainer (the Holy Spirit). Had I not trained for this fight? I heard His voice in my heart tell me to trust in my training (prayer) program because that is where this fight “was” won. The Holy Spirit shouted “I won’t throw in the towel. I won’t give up on you. Fight through this!”

Have you ever been prayed up and ready to take on your “bullies” and suddenly you get a spiritual cramp? Your cramp could be a finance cramp, a health cramp, a self-doubt cramp, a co-worker cramp, a lack of direction cramp. You fill in the blank. The evil one doesn’t fight fair. Do not expect fairness. Know you can’t be knocked out but you can be discouraged enough to want to quit. I would like to think that I am spiritually mature enough to battle through these cramps. Sometimes I am. Then there are times when I have to look into my corner for instructions. I have fear and doubt as the enemy closes in on me. With each thought of doubt, you tell your trainer that all that training was for naught. My Holy Spirit reminds me of the strength of prayer and power it brings with it. Look to your corner for instructions which will bring strength and endurance to rise on your toes and fight on. Elisha’s servant had cramps…

“Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, LORD, so that he may see.” Then the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 2 Kings 6:16-17

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