Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Your Weekend Away

    My baby spent the weekend away from me. Kept busy trying not to think about you not being here. Wrote a few things that was on my mind. Just my thoughts... 

    While we are apart, let my love tuck you in with sweet dreams. Let each silver star that lights the night sky remind you of every happiness we have known and the joy that is yet to be. Tonight, know that I am thinking of you, missing the rise and fall of your easy sleep, and looking forward to the time I can simply reach out in the dark to hold you close. Tomorrow morning when you wake up, know that I will be picturing what it is like to start the day with you, I will smile, imagining your sleepy eyes and that slept on hair that I find so adorable. Tomorrow have a good day, keep me close at heart… so much in love with you... Glad the tomb is empty

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