Wednesday, October 25, 2017

I Don't Do Well When I'm Alone

I'm sorry I don’t do well when I am alone. When you are not here I tend to get lost in indecision.  I over analyze everything.  Scrambled eggs or over easy paralyzed me at the refrigerator.  By the time I got to the stove the kitchen was 10 degrees cooler.  I scrabbled because I knew that is what you would want.   When you were away I couldn’t write a word even though my thoughts were full of you. Got to the airport an hour early. I stood there waiting for you feeling anxious. I couldn’t wait to hold you and whisper in your ear something poetic and profound that would make you just melt into my arms.  I melted into yours before I could get the words out.  The sight of you coming towards me put life in perspective.  You are the life I can’t live without. My life begins and ends with you.  God knows and I am believing in His plan for me for you for us.  I pray without ceasing that my words can keep our hearts open to each other when the world would prefer they stay closed. I hope you don’t mind how I love.  Glad the tomb is empty…

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