Sunday, February 10, 2019

Just Being

We caught ourselves alone, just sitting and talking.  Not really about anything specific or world changing.  Just sitting and being.  It is the one thing I love the most about you and me. We can just be. At that moment I felt your heart beating in my chest.  I saw your hopes and dreams from years gone past.  I felt the pain of the things we never discussed.  My heart wanted to move to your chest to let you know I could make those dreams come true and dispel any pain that may try to rise. Your heart held mine close and would not let it leave.  It whispered, “baby we could just be and that is more than enough for me.”  I now catch myself alone just sitting and thinking about how much I love the women whose heart holds mine and won't let go.  She makes it so easy to be… me.  I Love You Sweetheart! Glad The Tomb Is Empty.

Response to my daughters... Though neither are married, I want them both (and any other women) to at least consider if his heart has the potential to hold their heart close against all odds. Their mind and the world may discourage that union. Can they reach out with their heart? I want my young woman to see this in me every day of my life and theirs. It is possible to love a woman beyond the bounds of this world. If you have the courage. If you hold true to this he will find you. Because his heart is looking for the same thing.

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