Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Celebrate Family

I had plans for February. I wanted to celebrate some brothers in my life. I wanted to continue my quest to show Janet how much I loved and cherished her. I wanted to solidify my friendships and stay on this creative train of reading, writing and emptying this vessel of random but connected thoughts. I committed to these things. Then God. Then God. Then God introduced me to my mortality. He asked me to minister to the families of folks He called home. He then called members of my family, Monica Wilson-Figueroa and Betty Green. I drifted from the weight of their loss. According to His purpose, their purpose on the “third rock” from the sun was completed. It is hard to deal with the physical loss, but as long as there is a story to tell about them, a moment of joy that springs from your gut when you think of them then they will never truly be gone. I want to take a moment to express my undying love for my daughters. God trusted Janet and me with them and we have kinda grown attached to them. Never let a day go by without thanking God for the blessings that He has entrusted you with. Never let a day go by without speaking the words “I love you” to them. You never know when His purpose in them will be fulfilled. So, I just want to publicly tell my daughters and my forever love how much I really love you and am so very proud of you. Glad the tomb is empty.

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