Thursday, December 26, 2019

My Joseph Day

December 20th has been my self-proclaimed “Joseph” day. 50 years ago, I thought my tranquil childhood had just been shoved down a hole. The adults in my life made decisions that put my spirit in the dark and left it there. Having never know darkness I was not sure if this was the natural order of things, so I adapted never knowing that light was waiting for me. I carried a lot of weight for many years on this day. Then a brother invited me to a 6:00 am men’s meeting called the “Men’s Fraternity” at Concord Church. I was skeptical at first, brothers getting up to meet at 6:00 am every Tuesday morning, naw. The place was packed! I met some brothers that wanted to heal, they wanted to be better men, fathers, and husbands. I also wanted to be a better son. It took a “minute” but I committed because the brothers were committed and I had never seen or felt anything like this. Part of the “graduation” process was to complete a Manhood Plan. I poured it all out on paper and submitted it. God spoke to me in that plan. Now this day reminds me that He had a plan for my life that I could not see in the dark. “He meant it for good.” My prayer is that I am a better man today than yesterday. A better man for Him that gave me peace on this day. A better man for my family that gave me love through it all, and a better man for the next brother that may feel like he is in a hole. God's got a plan for your life. Glad The Tomb Is Empty

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