Thursday, May 6, 2021

She Is

She is my wife, my lover, my baby’s momma, my financial partner, my earth traveler, my good time buddy and my friend. Sometimes we don’t always agree. It could be about simple stuff. Sometimes… but not all the time I start feeling some kinda way when we ain’t agreeing. How far should I take this “disagreement”? Is this worth the effort I am going to need to overcome “being right” or is this the noble moment when I fall on my sword? Then it hits me. I don’t need a life partner who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that. I need and want an earth walking partner that challenges my way of thinking while knowing the direction my heart will take us. My mind and heart are always battling. She knows what sparks my intellectual mind and what makes my heart smile. Like the seasons know exactly when to change, she knows when and how to make me hers which is all I ever want! I love you sweetheart! May 7,9, June 27,2021. Glad The Tomb Is Empty


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