Thursday, March 30, 2023

Love Letters


I was looking for something I really didn’t need in the closet and found these letters. In the fall of 1976, Janet left Chicago and returned to Dallas to attend Roosevelt High. In that age of no internet or cell phones, we began writing letters to each other. I was paranoid that her hometown and childhood friends would “woo” her away from me. To be honest, I was a nervous wreck my entire senior year of high school. I kept writing, she kept writing, and we tried to reassure each other that our day at the altar would happen. We briefly hooked up in the summer of 1977 which was the greatest summer any teenage couple could have. I left for SIU-C and Janet returned to Dallas. The letters intensified but not the uncertainty. I didn’t know God but I knew a piece was missing from our picture. I accepted Christ at Rock Hill Baptist Church in Carbondale Il. Then I packed up my worldly possessions and drove nonstop to Dallas Texas. I am still writing love letters. I love you, sweetheart! Glad the tomb is empty

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