Sunday, July 8, 2018

Sister Tribute

     We have a “pact” to not make a big deal over these birthdays but I have to recognize an extraordinary woman, wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt as well as my friend. She is not on Facebook so she won’t see this. This is a "repost" but I don’t think I can express my love for her any better.
    When I was an adolescent my sister Stephanie was like the bumpers at a kiddie bowling alley. She let me take my best shot but she would not let me go into the gutter. She gave me enough room to see the finish line and desire the fruits but she would not let me take short cuts. When I began to feel my "oats" as a teenager she was the first person maybe the only person that unequivocally pronounced to me "you ain't grown yet". You see she fully expected me to get there but she also knew the obvious needed to be stated. I was headed in the right direction, but height and a deep voice don't make you a man. But she would not let me settle for being a boy. I love her for taking time to see the man in me even before I could. I would like to think Janet was the beneficiary of this process. I am a better man, husband, father, g-daddy, uncle, and friend because you took time out for me. Happy Birthday Sister Girl (yeah I said it). Be loving you. Glad The tomb is empty.

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