Sunday, July 8, 2018

What do you want for Father's Day

    I think I have heard that question every year for the past 30 plus years. Oddly enough the first things that ever came to my lips were always something I knew we could not afford or something that was just too far-fetched to even mention. Be that as it may, I was never disappointed by my gift or the card that showed up on Sunday morning. They were all given with thoughtfulness and love.

    I do not remember ever asking my Pop this question. Not sure if I can remember the cards or gifts that I gave. I do remember what he gave me. In his own way he told me what most men wanted on Father’s Day. As I listened to his words and looked into his sometimes troubled eyes, I realized what he needed, not necessarily wanted. He needed to somehow be validated as a father by me, his son. Having gone on to glory, I pray that “I gave him” what he needed.
    On Father’s Day I want my family to know that up to this point, I have been the best man and father I could be. On those numerous occasions when I was not at my best, it was never because I did not put forth the effort. Those were the times I was learning how to be better. On those occasions when my parenting skills seemed null and void, it was not because I did not read the final volume of one of Dr. Spock’s books. It was because I did not understand Ephesians 6:4, Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
    Most fathers want the same thing on this day. We need to feel and know that we have made an impact on our children’s lives. Good, bad or indifferent we need to know in order to live our lives with the ultimate training of bringing them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord in mind.
    Cards and gifts are great. What he really (needs) wants for Father’s Day is to know how he is impacting your life. He needs a check-up. Some of these conversations may be easy; some may be extremely hard, but necessary to a family’s spiritual health.
    My God, My Father. I thank you for being the ultimate example of fatherhood. My prayer is that you provide me with the guidance to be a servant leader in my home. I thank you for the tools you have provided for me to accomplish this and continuously seek your assurance on this journey of manhood that has led to fatherhood. Abide in me every step of the way… Amen

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